Monday, July 28, 2008

Luke Chapter Twelve - July 28, 2008

Read Passage Here

Brett is in Pittsburgh for the week, so I (Kelly) will be taking over leading the discussion!

We have a lot of warnings mixed with encouragement in this chapter. I felt so encouraged by Jesus' statements of not to worry. I am one of those people who worry about every little thing. How amazing that God knows my every need, and promises to fulfill it, especially when my eyes are focused on the Kingdom. Jesus also included in this that we should also not store up for ourselves, because we never know when our last moment is - that those stores here on earth are useless to us dead. Do you think that he doesn't want us to store up anything? what about storing the pantry in case of famine? what about savings accounts?? What is the true point of these statements?

As I read, I was feeling very convicted for my actions as a believer. God says that those who receive much, much is expected. I think Jesus was speaking about monetary things, since that statement is surrounded by other money and possessions language. Do you think this may also extend to our gifts and talents? other blessings?

And what are your thoughts of Jesus saying He did not come to bring peace on earth but division? what? i thought he was the prince of peace?? What do you think Jesus meant by this statement?

1 comment:

Nancy D said...

vs.34 says alot in a few words. 'Where your treasure is there will be your heart also.' How true that is. Think of what you value. Your cell phone, computer, 4 wheeler. How about nice clothes or going out somewhere. Do you long for the day you get your first car? Everything that we have plalces a draw on both our attention and our time. I think Jesus was warning us here to watch out for what we value in life and make sure it is worthy of out attention and time. What did you spend time with today? Hmmmmmm.