Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Luke Chapter Thirteen - 7/29/2008

Read Passage Here

Like always, this chapter is so full of great truths and insights into the life and ministry of Jesus.

I hope the story of the woman who was bent over sounded very familiar to you. I love reading this story in the different gospel accounts to get the different perspectives. And how awesome was it when Jesus called the Pharisees out on their hypocrisy. It is so cool how Jesus took their legalism and threw it back in their face. No wonder they wanted to kill Him!

The imagery of the Kingdom intrigues me. What do you think of his mustard seed and yeast comparisons?

The narrow door aways makes me question so many things. What is Jesus really saying? It almost sounds works based....but is it?? I encourage you to read this passage in another translation. The Message really opened my eyes to what Jesus was really saying.

I love the prophesy at the end of the chapter. It is so amazing reading how Jesus was THE Prophet, Priest, and King.

Your thoughts???

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