Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Luke Chapter Six - July 22, 2008

Read Today's Passage

  • Those Pharisees are so uptight about the Law. They practice the letter of the law and forget the spirit of the law. I find that I am far too often like the Pharisees here. I am a very justice-oriented person, and sometimes I am blind to what the spirit of a rule or a law really is when dealing with others. Not so much about the Sabbath, but in other areas of life, yes, I am a Pharisee.
  • What would it have been like to be in that group of disciples who were called to Jesus in verse 13 who were not picked to be among the 12?
  • Some of these blessings and woes sting pretty badly. Even though it is the Truth, I can understand why the religious leaders got so miffed. I know that my first instinct when I am called out on something is usually to balk and defend myself...
  • I can think of no finer definition or explanation fr love than what we read in this chapter. I really need to continue to work on this. Especially the mercy part...
  • Anyone remember some of these statements from when we talked about them @ WNL this past spring?
  • I think that verses 37-42 are quite possibly the most mis-quoted verses in all of Scripture. In today's America we are quick to tell others that they are not supposed to judge us. But we as Christians are supposed to call others' sinful behavior to the light so that it can be corrected and changed. This is not a judgment of the person, merely showing them there is sin that is harmful that they may not see. We also need to be prepared for when others call out sin in our lives, for if we do not then we are ignoring the plank in our own eye, and focusing on someone else's speck.
What did you think?

1 comment:

Nancy D said...

This chapter has a lot in it that that bears comment, but I am going to stay with my first inclination, which is the part where Jesus healed the guy with the withered hand. Jesus never seems to try to avoid confrontation, instead he almost seems to look for instances where he can do or say something that will get the people thinking and challange their beliefs. I, on the other hand, am not a big fan of confrontation and will often avoid it as much as possible. My question is - - how often have I missed out on a blessing or seeing God work cause I am not willing to go out on a limb for God?