Monday, June 30, 2008

How Do I Take Part in the Challenge?

It's simple. Read. But to get more out of your reading, try journaling your thoughts. Any questions you have about the passage, insights that God gives you through your reading, things that you never thought about before and any other things that come to mind.

Also, at the conclusion of this challenge there will be a reward for the teen (or teens) who stick it out and make it the whole way through the challenge. No details about what this reward will be yet (but I do have it in mind... just keeping it a secret), but to be eligible for it, you will need to journal your experience.

Remember one thing. When journaling, you don't have to write a whole lot. It might be just one sentence on one day, and a page the next. Don't get caught up in counting words. Just write what the Spirit tells you to.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Quick Tutorial

Over the course of this challenge, each post will house a link into that day's Scripture reading at There are a few fun things that you can play with at Bible Gateway, and I wanted to take a post to share them with you. When you click on that day's link, you will see a screen similar to this one:

It will already have the passage set up for you to read in the NIV translation. If you want to read another translation, simply use the drop down icon in the box beside the UPDATE button to select a different translation and click UPDATE.

There are several different options to choose from, including (but not limited to) NIV, NLT, NASB, KJV NKJV, ESV, CEV, The Message, NCV and more. Feel free to use more than one translation as it will enrich your reading experience greatly. Additionally, you can utilize a commentary on the selected passage by clicking on the button circled in the picture below.

You can also have the passage read to you by using the audio bible button:

So there you go. There are more bells and whistles, but I'll let you discover those on your own.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Check Out the Reading Schedule

Here it is, make sure to follow it... (click on the image to enlarge it)

Friday, June 13, 2008


This blog is designed to be a resource to you as you journey alongside us with Jesus in your reading. Each day will bring a new post from Pastor Brett as he journeys as well. You can expect thoughts from his reading, questions to help guide your own reading, and some encouragement as well.