Saturday, July 26, 2008

Luke Chapter Ten - July 26, 2008

Read Today's Passage

This chapter gives us a lot of great insight to how Jesus wants us to spread His message. He sent out those 72 disciples with some great instruction on how to respond to people, especially those who did not want to receive the message of Truth. And then we are told of the Good Samaritan. What better way is there to show God's love than to serve someone who hates you? Remember, the Samaritans and the Jews were bitter enemies, and would typically go out of their way to avoid each other.

And what about Mary and Martha? Does Jesus here say that it is more important to sit at His feet and listen to His teaching than to do anything else in this world?

What do you think about all this?

1 comment:

Nancy D said...

in this scripture we see the Mary and Martha passage. It seems that we usually praise Mary for sitting at Jesus' feet while we look at Martha and say she was too busy to spend time with Jesus when she had the opportunity. That sort of looks like what Jesus was saying also. But I have to wonder, Jesus and I am sure some of his friends were staying at their home. If you have ever had any kind of gathering you know that there is food to prepare, arrangements to be made, junk that needs to be put away and needs that need to be met.
Previously in this chapter Jesus told the disciples to stay in the homes they came to. He knew what that entailed. So why does it look like He is down on Martha and praising Mary?
Did you notice that it says a woman named Martha opened up her house to him. Sounds like Mary was living in Martha's home. Could it be that Martha was tired of being the one in charge and wanted some help. Not an unreasonable request. If she invited Jesus over I bet she wanted to spend some time with Him also.
Could it be that Jesus was saying, 'Don't get carried away and loose your focus here Martha. forget the barbque with all the fixings and 3 kinds of pie for desert. Hotdogs and smores will be fine. come here and spend some time with Me.'