Thursday, August 21, 2008

John Chapter Twelve - August 21, 2008

Read Today's Passage

And here we come to the final week of Jesus' life here on earth. We have read it before in two other Gospels this summer. It is different reading it from John's perspective. I especially enjoy Jesus' imagery that He gives the disciples about the wheat needing to fall to the ground in order to produce more plants. And His imagery of being the light and His commands to walk in the light while it is there... wow. It just really grabs me.

When I get to verse 43 I really see that we have come such a little distance in the past 2,000 years. People today still refuse to proclaim God's name because they are afraid to lose the praise of men. What dose that make those that follow through on this process? Those who like Jesus, but won't follow Him because it means they lose their status amongst others? And when He says that one who believes in Jesus has to believe in God. Wow. It really is all or nothing to follow Christ, isn't it?

What grabbed you?

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