Friday, August 22, 2008

John Chapter Thirteen - August 22, 2008

Read Today's Passage

There is so much symbolism in Jesus' washing His disciples' feet. Not only is it a common practice physically in that time, but it is a symbolic act of what He does for our souls on a regular basis. He cleanses us. We have already been washed clean by His sacrifice, but from time to time we need Him to clean us up so we can start walking again. When was the last time that you allowed Jesus to "wash your feet?" Also, when we are commanded to wash the feet of others, Jesus broke with tradition and societal norms to wash His disciples' feet. He lowered Himself to and beyond the disciples' status in society to serve them. We are to do the same, to serve those who we might consider beneath us. When was the last time that you served someone you couldn't stand?

It is refreshing to see John balance Jesus' godhood and His humanness at the same time. Jesus is troubled in His spirit by the betrayal He is about to experience. But He knows what Judas is to do in order to betray Him, and He commands Judas to go ahead and do it. For as we have read up to this point, He knows that He has come to the city to be killed for our reconciliation to God.

What are your thoughts?

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