Thursday, August 14, 2008

John Chapter Five - August 14, 2008

Read Today's Passage

  • I find it interesting that this man does not answer Jesus' question yet Jesus heals him anyway.
  • I also find it just plain awful that the people around are more concerned with the letter of the law than the spirit of the law.
  • And then the man meets Jesus later on and is told that his sin has a direct impact on his physical status. Hmm... Might our sins impact our physical well-being as well? Or was Jesus merely referring to hell when He spoke to the man? Hmmm...
  • I love the way Jesus answers the Jews who are trying to kill Him for "disgracing" the Law and making Himself equal with God.
  • I am intrigued by this peek into what happens after death. And Jesus' condemnation of the Jews who were placing their hope on a dead human being. Not on God. Doe we trust God, or is our faith in humans and human practices?
What did you think?

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