Friday, July 4, 2008

Mark Chapter Four - July 4, 2008

Read Today's Passage

Three things leaped out to me about Jesus while I was reading today's passage. The first was Jesus' teaching style. As we read through Scripture together we will find that Jesus loved to use parables when He shared Truth with a crowd. But when He was alone with the 12 Apostles, He would open up and speak plainly so that they would understand better. Do you suppose this is because they would be entrusted with continuing to teach after Jesus was done with His physical earthly ministry? I do believe that He was cryptic in the large group settings so that those who really desired to know would search for the answers, almost like a test. Those with ears to hear would hear, and those who did not desire to hear simply would not.

The second thing that really popped out at me was all of the parable to teach about the Kingdom of God. This is the one thing that Jesus is recorded to have taught about more than anything else. (Don't believe me? Take notes and compare when the Journey wraps up). And He nearly always uses parables to teach about it. Heavy stuff.

The third thing that struck me was Jesus' power. Here He is, exhausted enough to sleep through an immense storm, He is roused from His slumber, with 3 words calms the storm (and freaks His disciples out), and then asks them why they were so afraid. I can only imagine what my response would have been like were I one of the 12 that time around.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I still don't get vs 12. Why would Jesus not want anyone to turn and be saved?

Brett said...

hey anonymous (who is this, by the way?), thanks for your thoughts. I believe in verse 12 when Jesus is doing two things. First, He is quoting the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 6.9,10) which many of the crowd would be familiar with. He is trying to drive His point home by tying into something that His audience would know.

Second, His point was not that He wants some people not to turn to Him but He knows that there are people who will not. He is merely stating a fact, quoting a very well-known and respected prophet.

tyler said...

i liked how it explaned y he used parables and im guessign he used them alot
and Jesus couldnt go anywhere without basically getting mobbed

Anonymous said...

22 For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. 23 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear." NIV

This must also be about the Kingdom. So the Kingdom is here now but it is just concealed. Who will bring it out? Do you just have to look and listen to find the Kingdom? If it is meant to be disclosed does that mean Christians are responsible for sharing it, or will God reveal it in His timing? We pray, "Your Kingdom come..."

The Supertones say:
It's getting closer
To fulfillment
But the kingdom began with the advent
He is reigning through his people
The first will be nothing compared to the sequel

No more war, no more crime, no more unemployment line!
And there is Christ upon His seat
Where mercy, truth and justice meet

And He will never falter...

So I think that what is to be revealed really started to be revealed when Christ came (at the advent). It was made clearly visible through His life, but not completely revealed yet.