Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mark Chapter Eight - July 8, 2008

Read Today's Passage

It really kind of stuns me that the disciples not long before what took place in today's reading, witnessed Jesus feeding 5,000 men (plus the unaccounted for women and children), and not one of them seems to remember that when this new crowd of 4,000 (and more) shows up and needs fed with seven loaves of bread and a few fish. Did they so easily forget, or did they think that was a one-time deal? And then Pharisees show up on the scene and start demanding a miraculous sign and Jesus says nope. No one in your generation will see one. It makes me think of us today. How often do we demand that God show us some miracle so that we can believe in Him? Is it not enough to look at creation, or basic human development to see miracles? Why do we need to see a "sign" in order to know that we can have hope in God?

Again Jesus tells someone He has healed not to tell anyone. Why so? And why was it that the healing of this man's sight was more of process than an at once healing? Is there any significance in the man's life, or was this just part of God's plan for the healing be a process for reasons we can never fully comprehend?

And finally we come to Peter. He is probably my favorite of the Twelve, in part because I find that I relate to him the most frequently. He tends to run off at the mouth a lot, and does not normally hold his tongue. He likes to leap before he looks. And here he is, rebuking (reprimanding or criticizing sharply) GOD! Can you imagine? Peter is trying to tell God Himself that He is wrong! I do find it interesting that Jesus does not begin to tell His disciples about His plan for death until after they have stated who He is.

So what did you think?


Nancy D said...

no comment or will be late for work but I did read it so give me credit :).

tyler said...

haha i dont but its ok

um what i noticed and brett already nos this is that the disciples and pharisees and Peters r dumb and like the disciples watch jesus do mericals and they turn around and worry cuz they have one loaf of bread
and peter how just called Jesus God is say no ur wrong
humans r dumb haha

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about the bread a lot since Jesus convicted the disciples for not paying attention...I really want to understand it. Jesus is known as the bread of life, but so is the Bible or the Truth. I took it as Jesus and His miracles are the bread. Jesus doesn't need any yeast (I know this because we use unleaven bread for communion), and the yeast of the Pharisees is apparently bad. The Study Bible mentions that once you add yeast to bread it changes the bread completely. So what I get is Jesus is doing fine on His own and He is giving everything we need to believe. The Pharisees are asking to add more to Jesus' ministry, message, ect, and that is bad. Does this make sense?

Brett said...

Makes good sense to me Matt. Jesus used a lot of figurative speech, and it would make perfect sense for Him to refer to Himself or His message as not needing any "yeast."