Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Luke Chapter Fourteen - 7/30/2008

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Can you believe the parables Jesus told?! He was turning the "truth" the Pharisees (and probably most Jews) upside down!! Can you imagine what was going through their minds as they heard this? I wonder if any were humbled, or if it just made them more angry, and gave them more "reason" to want Jesus killed.

The banquet imagery is amazing! And Jesus told them NOT to invite their friends and family, but people off the street. I don't know about you, but if I were throwing a party, I would be inviting people i knew and cared about. what is Jesus' saying here?

In the parable of the great banquet, which character do you identify with the most? Are you the one giving every excuse in the book to not take the time to spend with the one throwing the banquet? Are you the one in the streets who joyfully accepted the invitation?

Jesus also talks about the cost of being his disciple. Do any of you remember when we talked about the hate your family passage before. What is Jesus really saying? I don't know where some believers have found that it is easy being a follower of Christ. Right here he shares how HARD it really is, because it takes sacrifice of everything we love, in order to be filled with true JOY.


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