Thursday, July 24, 2008

Luke Chapter Eight - July 24, 2008

Read Today's Passage

Pretty interesting start to today's reading. Do you notice that Luke mentions many women traveling with Jesus and the Twelve? And that they are supporting Him with their own means? I sometimes wonder if any of the Twelve had wives in this group. Luke doesn't mention them, but that doesn't mean that they weren't there. Hmmm...

So which soil type are you? And are you a lamp on a stand? Do you proclaim the glory of God to all who can see or do you hide your relationship with Him from your friends? And why do you suppose that Jesus seemingly ignored His biological mother and brothers here?

Legion. Hmmm. Probably the most famous demon-possession account. Stop and think for a minute. Why was it important for the demons to command a host body? Why did Jesus make a deal with the demons to send them into the pigs? (remember that pigs were not allowed to be eaten by Jews). Do you suppose that there might have been some fear in the people not only that Jesus was that powerful, but that if He stayed He might ruin the entire town's economy by casting more demons out into other food sources?

She is not dead, but is asleep. I think a lot of us are asleep and need to be woken up by Jesus.

What did you think?

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