Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mark Chapter Five - July 5, 2008

Read Today's Passage

Again Jesus encounters demons possessing humans. It is sometimes astounding just how prevalent demon possession was around the first century. I have heard reports of it in some third-world countries, but not often here in America. I wonder, have we so fully jumped into our selfish, consumeristic lifestyles that Satan does not need to have demons possess us in order to prevent us from coming together with God? Just a thought. Anyhoo, Jesus here casts out many demons from one man. I have read this account many, many times in my life, and I still cannot get my brain to wrap around just how the people of that community responded to Him and His miracle. Sure, their economy took a serious nose-dive by losing that many pigs I am sure, but think of the man who was healed! Were they like us and too wrapped up in their own lives to see who God is?

And Jesus creates an evangelist here who will carry His message to the community that He has been asked to leave. Jesus changed one man's life and then used that man to (quite possibly) change a whole community. Hmmm...

Jairus is another very familiar passage for me. He had faith, as a synagogue ruler, to break from what many of the rest of Israel's religious leaders were doing, and came to Jesus for help for his daughter. And then Jesus again tells Jairus and his wife not to tell anyone about what happened! I wonder what those next few days would have been like. Was Jairus reprimanded for reaching out to the rebel Jesus? How did he and his wife explain their daughter's healing?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

interesting that even though Jesus was on a mission to Jarius house he took time to look for the woman who had touched him. How often do I get my mind so set on one thing that I fail to see the other needs that are around me.

Brett said...

amen anonymous, amen. (who is this, btw?)

tyler said...

i couldnt believe how many demans were in that guy, i mean that would suck and u have 2 wonder y were there so many and y did Jesus allow them 2 go in2 the herd of swine

Anonymous said...

I don't know what I would want to do after being restored to my "right mind" if I were in such a condition as that man. It's like, what would you want to do after waking from a coma? Go to Disneyland or something? I think it's neat that that guy wanted to go with Jesus. I probably would not want to go be a doctor if i woke from a Coma...I'd want to go home. I'd go read the newspaper or something and see what I've missed. I just don't see going with Jesus as the natural reaction, but maybe it would be...I've never been demon-possessed before.